Group development

For a group or a team to work well together, a shared view in several important areas is essential. Clear goals which are accepted by everyone, values which the whole group are willing to get behind, a shared sense of responsibility, good and honest communication between the group members, a well-functioning feedback culture, etc.

Group development

This is why our Group development programme can look very different depending on the specific situation and needs of the group. We help you find the areas which will be most useful to you and we then tailor the development process to meet your needs. When co-workers choose to see each other’s skills as assets and focus on finding solutions rather than getting stuck discussing problems, this leads to increased commitment and job satisfaction, both of which are prerequisites for creating a high-performing team.

A few of the areas for improvement often requested:

  • Creating clear and shared goals and how to reach these
  • The communication and shared language of the group
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Active coaching towards the desired results
  • Using each other’s skills and competencies
  • How habits and attitudes affect the group
  • How to solve conflicts and how to avoid them in the future
  • Creating a shared and clear view on each task at hand
  • Important ground rules for the group/company

Powerful and clear eureka moments

Thinking in new and bigger ways has been a journey, where so many pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Things I have felt for a long time became clearer, which helped me a lot in my work. The insights are piled high: the fact that I own and am responsible for my emotions, that I have access to all of my gathered experience and competence, that I can trust my emotions to work well alongside the logical thinking, how my self-image can grow and develop. The eureka moments were very powerful during this process and it was liberating to see and be able to discuss this. The difference for me was huge and I highly recommend The New Leadership!


Ola Drehmer, Vice President at Västmanland’s Sparbank

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