Ken Stewart
For me leadership always comes back to one thing; the individual
+44 7968 903 944
[email protected]
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”Take control and responsibility for your leadership journey”
I have been fortunate to work for and with many large organisations across a range of countries, helping them develop their leadership capabilities.
For me leadership always comes back to one thing; the individual. The desire to improve, to get better, must start and end with ourselves. My role as a leadership developer is to help people take control and responsibility for their leadership journey, to realise their goals and ambitions.
BA in Modern European Studies, Post Grad Diploma in Management Studies, Myers-Briggs
Previous career:
The People Development Partnership, IHG, Aon Hewitt, Berkshire Consultancy, BG Group, RMC, Nationwide Building Society
Challenge, change, new ideas and learning
Bullies, closed-mindedness
People with a strong sense of values
Most things, what might be called heavy literature e.g. Mario Vargas Llosa, Orhan Pamuk and for fun Bill Bryson and Iain M Banks
Can’t think of anything I wouldn’t
When I’m off:
Music is important to me whether listening or making, walking my dog on the Ridgeway, holidays
Life goals:
Be happy