If you can lead yourself, you can also lead others

The New Leadership is built on the idea that you have an independent responsibility to make yourself grow as well as the company you work for. As a manager, leader and co-worker, you need to be efficient and to deliver, often in a stressful and competitive environment. However, we are all different, with different starting points, different strengths and weaknesses. You will practise finding your own way to success, to find what you are good at and what you enjoy, and also what you may need to develop, change, improve… And how to feel good in the process.


One of the main advantages of The New Leadership programme is that it is integrated with your work from the very first meeting and then accompanies you throughout the whole training period, around six to eight months. This ensures that the changes you make will be lasting ones.

You could compare The New Leadership to regular physical exercise. If you work out every day for six months, you cannot really avoid growing stronger and becoming better. And the likelihood is that the improvements will stay with you for a long time.
The New Leadership programme is created as a framework which can be used in every area where you feel that you, your department or your company would like to grow and develop. In the foundation programme, you focus on all the different aspects of your personal leadership:

• Focus: Personal leadership. This is about how you can contribute to what is best for your company and feel that you grow individually at the same time. We work with the motto: If you can lead yourself, you can also lead others. READ MORE HERE

You can also choose to focus your energy on one or several other areas of the programme. Here are the most common focus areas:

• Focus: Change. Sometimes things do not work out the way you want them to. Something needs to change and this can be difficult, albeit necessary. The New Leadership can be used as a tool for change if you want to find new solutions. READ MORE HERE

• Focus: Team development. We work with groups and teams on two levels: the communal and the individual. In order for a team to reach their desired goals and results, each member of the group needs to be given the opportunity to grow. READ MORE HERE

• Focus: Sales development. To grow professionally as a salesperson, you do not just need a good dose of motivation and energy, you also need to be goal-oriented and have a strong drive to meet new clients and expand business. READ MORE HERE

• Focus: Feel good. The greatest profit a company can make is for their employees to be healthy and happy. All research in the field shows that those who are happy and healthy also do a good job and contribute to the success of their company long-term. READ MORE HERE

“The New Leadership has led to many important changes for me as a manager: I have become braver and more resolute and I am making better decisions now. In addition, I am enjoying my job even more.”

Marlene Bernfalk Karlsson, Financial Director Gnesta Kommun

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